Personal Injury

Approximately 3 million people visit emergency rooms for slip and fall injuries each year. These victims commonly suffer injuries that often have lasting effects on their lifestyle and livelihood. Common injuries include head, neck, and back injuries, which can be hard for a slip and fall accident victim to fully recover from. Our personal injury protocol is to act fast to achieve the best result and highest settlement possible.
Often, personal injury cases can be the result of a slip or fall, dog bite, auto accident, or work related injury. When you suffer a injury, your first step needs to be to get the medical treatment you need immediately. Your NEXT call should be to the Law Offices of Allan E. Perry at (714) 529-7000.

Allan has 19 years of experience handling both sides of personal injury cases. Allan has a unique perspective since he worked for a number of big law firms defending insurance companies. He knows how insurance adjusters think.

Unlike most Personal injury lawyers Allan is not afraid of taking to cases to trial. Allan has won many large verdicts against experienced insurance defense lawyers and almost always recovers more than the insurance companies are offering. Insurance companies pay more to experienced trial attorneys! Allan is an experienced trial attorney with more than 50 trials under his belt. This is more trials than 85% of lawyers in California. Experience is the key to success.

Because of Allan’s extensive experience handling both sides of personal injury cases, he can help you avoid certain pitfalls and can help you maximize your ultimate recovery.

If you have questions regarding a possible claim, or would like a FREE Case Evaluation, please contact
The Law Offices of Allan E. Perry at (714) 529-7000 or fill out our CONTACT form.

FREE Consultation for Personal Injury